Would you like to feel better, look better, feel more energetic? Silly question? Of course all of us want that! After all, it’s hard to stay fit or properly manage your weight as you get older. The doctors tell us that your metabolism gradually slows down as you age. If you know you’re not feeling as good as you want to, if you feel you really need to get serious about losing a few pounds, you know that keeping your weight under control is not so easy in today’s fast-paced world.
So many of us are in such a hurry trying to balance work and home life. So often, we grab something quick and convenient for lunch but that is not always the wisest or healthiest choice. You know you should exercise more but where do you find the time? Stay with me for a moment. For some of you, what you are about to learn will change your life. It’s the secret to success in any area of life and, once you accept this teaching it opens the doors to a new life. And, later in this post, I’ll also introduce you what, in my opinion, is the best, healthy weight loss program available.
The Secret
But first, I’m going to share with you the secret as to why most people fail at successfully managing their weight on a permanent basis. To put it another way, I’m going to share with you why so many people get on a program, maybe lose a few pounds, only to find that a few weeks or a few months later, they have gained back all the weight they lost in the first place and sometimes more. They end up right back where they started!
Are you one of those who know exactly what I’m talking about? If so, I invite you to keep reading. There is a very good reason why so many people have gotten so frustrated at the prospect of successfully managing their weight on a permanent basis and why, sadly, so many people have just stopped trying.
My name is Grant Rayner. I have been a practicing divorce attorney for more than 38 years now. I have enjoyed fabulous success in the practice of law. In my early ’20’s, I was a two-time national champion in the sport of rowing. In short, I have been fortunate enough to have learned what it takes to succeed in many areas of life. But what, you might ask, does business or athletic success have to do with weight loss?
Well, we all know that success in any endeavor requires that you set a goal and, once that is done, you must demonstrate at least some determination and persistence. Successfully managing your weight certainly requires those things too. Success also requires that you set realistic goals, visualize yourself reaching your goal and gradually, and sensibly, work toward the achievement of that goal!
Successful weight management is no different. The healthy approach to weight loss requires a realistic goal and a reasonable time-frame within which you wish to achieve that goal. Consistent action is necessary. But I’m really not telling you anything that most people don’t already know right? Why then, do so many fail at successfully managing their weight?

There is a component to successful weight loss that most, if not all, weight loss programs know nothing about or completely ignore. This component is also a critical component of success in any area of life. Without this key ingredient, your prospects of successfully managing your weight, over the long term, are limited. This is the component that causes people to lose some weight and then, within a short period of time after the program is competed, they gain the weight right back.
Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you have wrestled with this yourself. You can have all of the will-power, all of the determination in the world. But I have learned that, often, will-power and determination, by themselves, is not enough!
People who try to quit smoking know this all too well. So what is the missing ingredient?
There are many weight loss programs out there. But the real question is, do you really have to stay on Weight Watchers all of your life to successfully manage your weight? The answer to that question is an emphatic “NO”. Weight Watchers and programs like it are in the business of making money. No doubt Oprah Winfrey gets paid handsomely for endorsing that system. Why then is managing your weight on a permanent basis a challenge for so many?
The real answer lies in a key ingredient that most diet plans and programs like Weight Watchers miss. This key is the secret ingredient behind success in all areas of life including successful, permanent weight loss! Without this key, permanent weight loss for many has proven to be an elusive goal. The secret might surprise you…

Your self-image is the key, yes your self-image! How you see yourself in your mind’s eye determines whether you will succeed at managing your weight or any other goal you may set for yourself in life! In other words, if you can’t see yourself at your ideal weight or if, deep down, subconsciously, you really don’t believe your goal will materialize, then you’ll never slim down on a permanent basis and no amount of willpower or determination will ever allow you to successfully manage your weight permanently! The best athlete’s know that this secret ingredient is the key to consistent, outstanding performance!
That is why, when people embark on programs like Weight Watchers or go on a diet and lose some weight, after a few weeks or a few months they often gain the weight back that they initially lost with that diet or program. The solution is not permanent. The old habits and mindset eventually sabotages the initial success! Some people throw up their hands and conclude that they are just genetically predetermined to be overweight! Why?
If someone can’t see themselves as trim and fit, at their ideal weight, in other words if the image they have of themselves in their own minds as overweight, then the odds are overwhelming that they will gain the weight back! If what you see in the mirror after losing a few pounds is inconsistent with your self-image, then most likely you are not destined to keep those pounds off permanently. You will self-sabotage. This is one of the explanations that underlie anorexia. The person, though grotesquely skinny, sees themself in that mirror as overweight! This is the power of the subconscious mind at work.
Think of it this way. Have you ever caught yourself thinking thoughts like “I’m never going to lose this weight” this is the kind of thought that is going to sabotage your long-term success! You feel discouraged when you think such thoughts!
Compare that with the feeling you get when you think something like…”yes, I can, I can do this, I can look and feel great”. Notice the difference? The negative inner dialogue feels bad. The positive inner dialogue feels good! This difference in “feeling” makes a crucial difference in whether you will succeed or fail! All thoughts lead to emotional ‘feelings’. In short, it’s critically important that you become self-aware, or conscious, of your thought patterns.
“The ‘self-image’ sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment. It defines what you can and cannot do. Expand the self-image and you expand the ‘area of the possible'” Dr. Maxwell Maltz, “Psychocybernetics” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1960. p.ix
Your self-image determines what is possible in your life. If you see yourself as successful you will be successful. If you see yourself as a failure you will be a failure. The image you have of yourself in your own mind will determine what is possible in your life whether that image is one of being trim and fit or always overweight.
The psychologists refer to this inner conflict or, the disparity between what is real and what you see in your mind’s eye, as “cognitive dissonance”. If the image you have in your mind, your image of “self”, is an image of someone overweight, then no amount of will-power or determination, no trendy diet or potion or weight loss program, is going to lead you to a point where you are able to successfully manage your weight over the long term. You must “see” yourself at your ideal weight! See post on “The Key to Success in Life | Self Image”

From a different but similar perspective, “visualization” is how many professional athletes accomplish the seemingly impossible. They “see” the desired results in their mind’s eye before they make that touchdown pass or that great golf or tennis shot. This is another aspect of the key. If you can “see” yourself as looking the way you would like to look, then you stand a much better chance of successfully managing your weight and keeping those pounds off in the long run.
Now, this will take consistent practice just like anything else in life. When you see yourself in your mind’s eye looking and feeling great, you are going to generate an emotional reaction to that image in your mind. You are going to feel great. You’re going to feel like the person you always wanted to be! And that is a critical component. The ‘feeling’ of looking great in your mind’s eye is the fuel that propels you toward success.
“As a Man Thinketh, So Is He” Proverbs 23:7
“We become what we think about all day long” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Now, if your self-image has been damaged or compromised (usually by those closest to you early in life), the really good news is, that damaged or inadequate self image can be fixed! I want you to be encouraged by the reality that you can repair the image that you have of yourself in your own mind if it has been damaged in some way by the cruel words of others. You must practice “seeing” your ideal self in your mind’s eye.
In short, your ability to lose weight and keep it off, depends on your patterns of thought. So, if you stay with me, you will learn how to virtually transform your life which, in turn, will give you command, not only over your health, but also to your finances, your relationships, your life! As Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it “you, essentially, become a different person”.
“Your program for getting more out of life consists in, first of all, learning something about this Creative Mechanism, or automatic guidance system within you and learn how to use it as a Success Mechanism rather than as a Failure Mechanism. The method itself consists in learning, practicing, and experiencing, new habits of thinking, imagining, remembering and acting in order to (1) develop and adequate and realistic self-image and (2) use your Creative Mechanism to bring success and happiness in achieving particular goals. IF YOU CAN REMEMBER, WORRY OR TIE YOUR SHOE, YOU CAN SUCCEED.” (emphasis added) Dr. Maxwell Maltz, “Psychocybernetics”, Simon & Shuster, Markham, Ontario, Canada, 1969, p. 14.
You will have noticed in the above passage from Dr. Maltz’s book the reference to your “Creative Mechanism”. What does that refer to? You see, “there is a power and a presence within you, and you can use it, to be, do or have anything that you want in this life” Dr. Joseph Murphy, “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”. (available on Amazon – click on the image to purchase). In his easily digestible volume, Murphy communicated the “hidden” truth of life: you are as your mind is. This is the master key that impacts wealth, health, career, relationships and all forms of expression.
“Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye and you will be drawn toward it”, said Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. “Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible. Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Great living starts with a picture held in your imagination of what you would like to do or be”. ibid p. 45.
However, a new and improved self-image, by itself, will not lead you to the “Promised Land”. You cannot eat cheeseburgers at McDonald’s every day for lunch and expect to stay healthy and at a weight that is comfortable. Many other things, of course, remain necessary (watch your caloric intake, get some exercise when you can, try to stay hydrated, eat more fruit and vegetables and so on). But, if you put some effort into these things things and begin to “see” yourself as trim and fit, then you will stand a much better chance of successfully managing your weight …PERMANENTLY!
In short, once you have planted a new self-image deep into your subconscious mind, the other things that are necessary for you to remain a “new you” become second nature. In other words, once your new ‘image’ is embedded in your subconscious mind, it is far less likely that you will self-sabotage by those trips to McDonald’s. Doing so would be inconsistent with your new self-image!
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Probiotics and Weight Loss
There are studies that suggest that probiotics have a role in successful weight loss. See post on The Benefits of Probiotics Supplements”. Link is below:
Do you want to feel better, look better, feel more energetic? Then step #1 is to picture yourself, “See” yourself in your mind’s eye, at your desired weight. Please understand that this exercise takes practice just like anything else in life. Imagine yourself at your desired weight every day as often as you can.
Of course you have to eat responsibly. Get as much exercise as you can. Walking is a terrific way to burn calories easily. Stay hydrated. Integrate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Get enough sleep. In short, a healthier lifestyle is going to go a long way to helping you achieve your weight loss goal. If you pay attention to these things, you will stand a much better chance of managing your weight successfully. (See post on The Importance of Hydration for Overall Health) https://betterhealthbetteryou.com/the-importance-of-hydration-for-overall-health/
Now if you still feel like you might need a little help there is a fabulous program I recommend that will help you lose, and keep, those unwanted pounds off. It was created by a company on the cutting edge, not only of weight loss, but the management of chronic pain and immune system support. So, if you are truly serious about feeling better, looking better, being more energetic and productive, embrace the teaching from this post. Short video testimonial on the program offered at CTFO:
See yourself as successful. Now join the thousands who have successfully shed those unwanted pounds. Kick-start your journey to the new “YOU”. Don’t wait another second!
CLICK HERE for your Weight Loss Answer
To Your Unlimited Success,
Grant Rayner B.Comm., LL.B.
Green Road Consulting
256 Green Road
Green Road, New Brunswick, Canada
Tel: 506-991-0240
email: coachgrant@betterhealthbetteryou.com
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