A Key to Health & Wellness
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And welcome to BetterHealthBetterYou!
If the past three years has taught us anything, it is that our health is a precious gift and one that we should make a top priority in our lives. Of course, maintenance of good health requires that we pay attention to what we eat. We also know that physical activity, a bit of exercise, hydration and proper sleep are key components to good health.
However, what many people do not realize is that our thought patterns can affect our health in profound ways. In a nutshell, Better Health Better You is devoted to an understanding of the critical relationship between body, mind and spirit. In other words, the aim is to understand the psychological/spiritual components of optimum health and wellness.
Naturally, the roles that nutrition, exercise, hydration, proper sleep play in the maintenance of health and wellness are explored. However, the approach here is much broader. In addition to the psychology/spirituality of health and wellness, other topics that typically do not get a lot of press are covered as well.
As examples, we look at how health and wellness are affected by having pets, by the sense of belonging to a community, by having a sense of purpose in life, by engaging in satisfying and meaningful work, by on-going personal development, by setting wellness goals and so much more!
Who Is CoachGrant and Why Should I Be Interested in What He Teaches? *
As a two time Canadian champion in the sport of rowing but, more importantly, as a litigation and family law lawyer for over 38 years I have had the opportunity to witness, first hand, how client’s thought patterns and the emotions that flow from those patterns of thought have contributed to some of the issues and even dysfunction people can create in their lives. Beyond that, however, it is now well known, generally speaking, that the way we think has a profound effect on the state of our health.
Researchers are now telling us what philosophers, metaphysicians and mystics have been teaching for centuries. And that is that our destiny is shaped by what we think. American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson told us that we become what we think about all day long. It is becoming increasingly clear that this principle applies to the state of our physical health as well.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Bruce Lipton
Recent Developments
Recent developments have shown that people have the innate ability to heal themselves of all sorts of serious diseases including stage 4 cancers, lupus, diabetes and more. The exciting work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton are examples of the new understanding in this regard. A focus on these exciting, new developments is one of the key areas of inquiry here at BetterHealthBetterYou.
A summary of the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant who teaches people how to transform their lives with his formula based on neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. He explores the science behind spontaneous remissions and how to heal the body, change the mind, and evolve the consciousness. He has spoken in more than 33 countries and has been featured in the film What the BLEEP Do We Know!? He also offers books, online courses, workshops, and retreats to help people apply his teachings.
A summary of the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist and author who claims to bridge science and spirit. He has a PhD in developmental biology from the University of Virginia and has taught anatomy at various universities. He believes that cells are influenced by beliefs and that DNA, by itself, does not control biology. He has written several books on these topics, such as The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution.
The Immune System
People in today’s world, for obvious reasons, are concerned with how to ensure a healthy, vibrant and robust immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that protect the body from disease. It is constantly evolving and adapting to new threats but it can also be influenced by various factors such as diet, exercise, age, stress and genetics.
The current science of immune system support aims to understand how the immune system works, how it can be modulated by different interventions and how it can be harnessed to prevent or treat various diseases.
These and other studies are expanding our knowledge of the immune system and opening new possibilities for improving human health. However, there is still much to learn and many challenges to overcome. Therefore, it is important to follow healthy-living strategies that may help boost immune function, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, managing stress and avoiding sugar and smoking.
Chronic Pain Management
And finally, the response of conventional medicine to the management of pain has been an over-reliance on Big Pharma. Prescription of addicting drugs like oxycontin has created an opioid epidemic in North America destroying careers, lives and families. The good news is that there are now natural, non-addicting solutions to the management, and even elimination, of chronic pain. The role of, and best sources of, supplements in the maintenance of health and wellness, especially from the standpoint of an aging population, is also explored.
I hope you will stay with us as we look at health and wellness from the broadest possible perspective, the 40,000 foot view, if you will. It is a holistic approach that recognizes the unity of body, mind and spirit.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7: 13-14

Grant Rayner (coachgrant)
* Grant is a 2x Canadian champion in the sport of rowing having won 2 gold medals in the fours and eights competition, Royal Canadian Henley Regatta 1972.
Immune System Support from CTFO. Click on the image below to learn more.