Welcome to BetterHealthBetterYou! The Psychology and Spirituality of Better Health
I’m really excited to share this post from BetterHealthBetterYou. If we have learned anything from the past three years it is that a healthy immune system is on everyone’s mind. In today’s world, people are wondering how to optimize health and wellness.
A Holistic Approach
The focus on this platform is on the holistic and natural approaches to the maintenance of good health. The discussion here is further refined by way of reference to the psychology and spirituality that forms the basis of optimum health and overall. The emphasis is health and wellness from the perspective of older adults.

Immune System Health
Health, especially immune system health, is on everyone’s mind in today’s world. Many people assume that any discussion about health focuses strictly on physical health. However, a comprehensive consideration of health and wellness will consider the critical relationship and interconnectedness between mind, body and spirit.
That is to say, what we think and how we feel emotionally has an immediate and profound impact on our physical health. In broader terms our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health are intimately intertwined. It is this recognition that informs the discussion on this platform.
The Role of Supplements
The ‘baby-boom’ generation is aging. As such, the largest population wave in human history is experiencing the issues that accompany an aging population. In particular, the response by conventional medicine to the management of chronic pain has created an opioid epidemic in North America destroying careers, families and lives in the process. The good new is that a natural, non-addicting solution to the management of pain is now available.

In addition, as we age, the body loses it’s ability to produce a substance called glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s major anti-oxidant and has a critical role to play in the body’s fight against inflammation which produces pain. In addition, glutathione has a major impact of the vitality and functioning of the immune system.
Proper nutrition, though important, does not do the job entirely. Because the body gradually loses it’s ability to manufacture glutathione as we age, we need a little help to maintain an immune system that is healthy and robust. A very effective immune system support is now available. I have included my recipe for daily use below the CelluVie image.

My recipe:
I love a quick shake to start my day.
I start with one banana and an 8oz serving of orange juice. Mix in a blender. Add one scoop CelluVie! And there you have it! I will often use blueberries, strawberries or raspberries mixed with milk in a blender then add CelluVie. Either way I’m energized and ready for the day!
The Importance of a Healthy Self-Image
Did you know that what you think about yourself, your self-image, plays a central and profound role in how healthy and well you are. With some people, an insult or ridicule by someone significant or a person in authority, especially a parent early in a person’s life, can have a dramatic effect on the person’s self-esteem. The resulting impact on one’s emotional and physical health can be very real.

After serious introspection, if you have discovered that the image you have of your “self” is inadequate or has been compromised in some way, that needs to be remedied. In other words, if you believe that you are ‘not enough’ or ‘not good enough’ or ‘inferior to others’ your self image is in need of repair. How that is done is addressed on this platform.
Are You Conscious of Your Predominant Thought Patterns?
A renowned cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, has suggested that 85% of what ails us flows from the negative emotion that flows from negative thought patterns. Are you paying attention to the endless inner dialogue? If you are dominated by negativity, for example, the good news is that those thought patterns can be controlled.
Did you know that the words that we say out loud affect us in ways that you did not, perhaps, realize. Accordingly, attention to your words is warranted and recommended. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Proverbs 18:21

Meditation | The Quiet Mind
In this context, I also point to the remarkable work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team who are teaching people, with meditation, how to heal themselves from some of the most serious ailments including stage 4 cancers! This is a really exciting development. Some of the testimonials that flow from those who have attended these workshops are intense and encouraging.

In a very real way, scientists like Dispenza and Lipton (and many others) are ‘re-discovering’ what mystics, seers, metaphysicians and other ‘truth teachers’ have known for centuries. As we move forward, we will look at many of these teachings. The power of the mind, we now know, can mean good health where sickness once was!
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”. Romans 12:2

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8
The Wisdom of the Word
The wisdom found in scripture informs the dialogue here at BetterHealthBetterYou. Modern science is beginning to understand health and wellness from the standpoint of ancient wisdom. In other words, the narrative from what we refer to as ” modern science” is beginning to sound much like the approach to life from the perspective we were given by the prophets, mystics, metaphysicians and teachers of the truth throughout the ages.

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22
A Little Discipline Goes a Long Way
Wellness can be interpreted broadly and, at BetterHealthBetterYou, the belief is that it is wise to approach the notion of wellness from the broadest perspective possible.
Yes we need to try to ensure that we are getting proper nutrition, we need to stay hydrated, we need proper sleep, a little exercise and we need to try to live a balanced life. But there are components to wellness that many people don’t even consider.
We are inherently social beings. People need contact with others. Isolation leads to loneliness and can lead to depression. We benefit from some time spent in nature. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We need relaxation. How about maintaining financial wellness? That is a consideration that people sometimes forget.
The other side of the coin is that the abuse of alcohol and other substances ought to be avoided. That is obvious. Sugar is not your friend especially as you get older. We are starting to learn that, if someone we associate with is a toxic personality, as harsh as it may sound, from the standpoint of your personal wellness, you need to distance yourself from such a person .

Toxic is a strong word. But there are people who will bring you down if you hang out with them. You know, the co-worker or relative who is constantly complaining. How does it make you feel being exposed to such people?

How to Optimize Health and Wellness?
The BetterHealthBetterYou approach is that there is much to be gained from the exercise of a little discipline. Are you glued to the TV for the six o’clock news? Are you cognizant of the words you use in conversation with those close to you? An ‘anything goes’ attitude is not the path to health and wellness.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
I am 71 now and my wife and I are not going completely off the grid. But we are working our way toward food self-sufficiency. Life on our little one acre slice of the Garden of Eden is pretty physical. Staying healthy and fit is a priority for us.
We understand that we are not getting adequate nutrition from the foods we purchase at the grocery store. We are exposed to toxins in the environment that compromise our health. And, as we age, our bodies lose their ability to maintain optimum physical health. This is a topic that is addressed more fully on this platform. We will also be reviewing products that are intended to help us on the road to improved health.
I hope I have piqued your interest and I do hope that you will follow me as we journey together toward a new understanding of good health and how to maintain health and wellness. Humanity is moving into the Age of Aquarius and the new earth.
I believe that the human race as a whole is about to experience an entirely new world, one that is characterized by peace, love, harmony…and…perfect health. I hope you will join us in this exciting journey to a higher consciousness.
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All of life’s blessings to you and yours,
Grant Rayner B. Comm., LL.B.
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